Monday, December 27, 2004

The Letter to The Wish-Come-True

Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa Claus, The Star, The Angel, Santa Nicolaus and however you are called by thousands of children around the world,

I wish you to be so powerful to fulfil the promise you give children each year with the hope and the love and the belief.
I wish we were ourselves.
I wish others appreciated the above.
I wish next day would be better than the previous.
I wish my pack of friends didn’t shrink so quickly.
I wish I would be able to help my own wishes come true.

So be it!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

not so bad

all right... I've started to fight for living! I went to the doctor and bought some medicines. I took few days off. I looked at myself in the mirror critically. I bought a new CD album. I borrowed some books. I tidied up my kingdom. I'm fighting to focus on important matters, not on this all shit that tried to murder my world. I'm looking for myself. Again. Ehhh... What's the life unless searching and missing?

Saturday, November 06, 2004

in the graveyard

somebody buried my heart. the problem is - I don't know in which grave exactly. Going here and there and asking: 'Excuse me, haven't you seen my heart? It's so icy now that I'm totally unable to describe it, it's changed for sure, since somebody took it away from me...' Nothing does answer me. Even silence has forgotten mercy.
Therefore I live without my heart, with a big hole inside my soul and I wonder how long death is going to make fun of me...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

death around my soul

there is another year of another deaths with thousands of tears and sorrow in souls... R.I.P. would you say next to the grave of your love... without praying, just asking 'what for?'

Monday, September 27, 2004

got lost

again... crossing the streets and cannot see anyone worth to be seen.
where is the spirit? where is the thought? where is the question?
why is this colourful mass of human bodies so colourless for me?
why are they only bodies without any souls, any ideas, any magic?
eating, drinking, having sex, going to the toilet, viomiting, sleeping...
the sense of life?!
who is the mad one? the one who is asking the question or another, actually everyone on a street, without this flash in eyes?
words without meaning, a lot of them today... sound long, technically, inhuman, any consignment, any consciousness, any creation...
what is the sense of asking about the purpose when we all drowned in unlimited mud of ignorance, sillisness, hopelessness?
my friend is used to saying: 'Jesus hates us all and especially me'.
stop and look around - who, the hell, is Jesus?

Monday, July 12, 2004


what does summertime mean to people? relax, lots of spare time, cut off from everyday, forget your business, egoistic needs, sex, other pleasures.
what does it mean to me? mostly the same, also freedom, personal development, music, smell of wildness and fire and sleepless nights - with other pleasures.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

so beautiful

we've got SPRING already! it's hot and sunny. it's bright.
wood - insects are everywhere. green and fresh.
street - people are everywhere. smiling, going out and smelling. unfortunatelly!
work - holiday is coming. closer and closer. around my chest. just a while and I'll be able to breath deeply. waiting impatiently.
love - hot and sunny, impatient, coming, closer and closer, around my chest, everywhere, smiling and smelling, breathing deeply, waiting, bright.
we've got LOVE already! it's beautiful. ever...

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

welcome, Lord Paradox!

everyday I invite you with an open heart, open mind, constantly open, with fear or amusement, eyes. wherever I go, I am certain to meet you, sometimes I consider this unavoidable expectation with masochistic pleasure. we are used to giving the name of the paranoid to such a phenomena. unfortunatelly, that is one of the greatest paranoid in the world. the fact that we even try to give names to feelings or things we are unable to understand. how dare we? where is going a man with a candle full of incredible lack of knowledge that keeps in front of his every activity? with the belief of his power and possibility. hmmm

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Rest in Peace

you learn important things in your life just in few seconds.
you start discovering your way when you have lost so many paths that you feel despair and lack of hope. then you notice that the way you are on, is just yours.
choose life. it is the response - you have to choose life.
whatever would happen afterwards, you have your dreams.
first you have to live.
next you have to die.

tribute to Magda's mother who left us on my birthday.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

lack of passion

so that I have lost the passion. cannot feel anything - positive, nor negative. just boredom. just exaustion. horrible prediction that it will be up to the very end. if it changes, I will find happiness.

once upon a time there was a girl who lost her passion of life. she woke up in the beautiful, sunny morning and felt nothing. she saw a smile on faces of her people but she could not have found the origin of her emptiness. she was unable to create any grimace, any gesture. she had power over her body, she knew that if she wanted, she could move as a human being was used to doing. therefore it was not phisical unability. problably she lost the connection between her thought and outdoor reality. maybe she could not find herself on the earth, among others. it was painful loneliness that she felt very deeply in her heart. on the surface of her, there was any sign of life. it was cold and absent. her eyes focused on the farthest region of human perception. no emotion in her nerves. however, death was visiting opposite lands and had no aim to arrive then. she called her names in vain, death was not interested in. the girl stood up and started going. days passed and she was going straight on, missing her everyday problems, relationships, needs and dreams. there was no gate, no evacuation, no escape. only a road of thoughts in front of her, spiral, straight, sometimes sharp and dangerous, sometimes mild and fragrant with life and joy. she could not feel anything about her way. kept going, so cold, unconcerned and uninterested. she was observed by the angel of brightness whose eyes were full of sorrow. he was not able to touch her. she would stop and never find her way out. there was the hope in this darkness of her life. if keep going, there was a shine of possibility to enter the way to something. the gate of the labirint of hoplessness and nothing.
do not stop her on the way - add your hope to the thought of bright angel.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004


today I was wondering about the sens of authority. I come from very specific country that people are used to calling 'post-comunist' that is not exactly so, just such a simplification which unables some brains with opening...
in our schools 'authority' was rather serious matter. it based on power, strength and punishment. now such a situation cannot exist as we have something like 'democracy'. noone denies that this system is actually disable too (has hardly existed without slaves; now we can observe what it means in radical-capitalist's world) but it's better than anarchy, they suppose. it's not so obvious in our schools, especially, according to the sad fact of so many crime cases (connected with aggression, drugs, sex-play and no childhood any more) which are constantly happening there.
however, about authority... well, there is no legal authority at all. there is only a kind of myth left that is artificially sustained by old generation of teachers who used to play roles of authority once (have no idea what for!). they are not ready to understand the everyday battle without this magic word. and they have to.
I don't think it's good to leave children without the feeling that there is one who takes care of them. it's drastic - they feel alone and they must look after themselves what is ridiculous (and how it can be different!). they play adults and... find their own authorities based on power, strength, punishments... interesting!
what is our role? to become tutors and friends - some kind of leadership is our role, actually. we can't play roles from baby-tales because there is noone who believes in them any more! we can only give them our hand when they need it and try to lead them another path...

btw. I hated authorities at school and I was very close to become an anarchist - typical! maybe it can play in other direction - if there is nothing but chaos, they can feel tired of it and deserve some kind of order - with our little help, of course!

Friday, February 06, 2004

why not to write in the foreign language?

sometimes friends ask me why I write my blog in the foreign language. there is no special reason, indeed.
maybe - I try to exercise my english or to reshape my thoughts into not-polish form or to interpret my feelings from the point of view of the total stranger.
when you use a different language from your natural, you use absolutely another cultural code. therefore your thoughts are more open to different meanings, they become postmodern. one can say that such a situation is typical even for the natural language, even though someone has been brought up in a concrete environment, the other people can 'read' him or her different even from his or her intention.
each form of communication have got several meanings. we can watch the same tv programme and understand it in another ways, the same with books, articles, news, conversations etc.
although in the situation of using completely another code (another language), these meanings are constantly multiplying.
the very difficult piece of art - try to make people understand you as you wish. however, tricking can help you avoiding some misunderstanding. writing isn't anything else but cheating... often with your own personality...
multiplying, multiplying... guess who am I!

Monday, January 26, 2004

what is with these children?

sometimes I just can't believe that they are children. not of the revolution, babe, not at all. they are half children, on fourth babies and the last one - adults.

first question - who is like who?
children try to be like adults. they wear the same clothes, have make-up, make love, watch the same kind of pictures, play the same computer games, talk about whatever - just exactly as they parents and other adults do.
adults try to be like children. they wear the same clothes, have make-up, make love, watch the same kind of pictures, play the same computer games, talk about whatever - just exactly as they parents and other adults do.

second question - is the history circulating indeed?
once upon a time, it was the domination of adolescents. childhood didn't exist at all. any toys, any clothes, any personalities. only tools in adults' hands. to work or to get married... then things changed. children had the period when they could be children, they were given some space and time. next the revolution introduced some improvements. children started to have more time and more space than ever. after this short period and few great wars made by adults, children received more power to forget about the cruel past. now they have more space but no time for being children at all. they are everywhere, they conquere the world. however, they are not the future any more.

third question - where should I go?
being lost in fears, I can't believe in anything, find the right way. they seem to call for help although there is something in front of them that doesn't allow me to pass the barrier between my world of values and their wolrd of pleasure. they stopped on the moment of genital phase (Freud): 1. oral because they feel pleasure, want only to feel pleasure, oral = speaking whatever they think, they say loudly, they need to speak, they are by speaking. there is no super-ego 2. anal - they love possesing, they gather things around, different objects, space, they want to absorb your whole attention to make you their. hate sharing. 3. phallic - they are totally fascinated with sex and their bodies. don't see any disproportions, ugliness. they are concerned only on materia, spirit or soul exist only in books, however they don't read them so don't know. they are also full of fear relating their sexuality, they have complex of Edyp, Electra... therefore they are so urge to receive super-ego to forget about nightmares... ufortunatelly, super-ego has disappeared somewhere in the universe. children are imprisoned at the edge of this breaking through phase. cannot go farther. the way is forbidden. civilisation stopped at the age of seven...