Monday, December 27, 2004

The Letter to The Wish-Come-True

Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa Claus, The Star, The Angel, Santa Nicolaus and however you are called by thousands of children around the world,

I wish you to be so powerful to fulfil the promise you give children each year with the hope and the love and the belief.
I wish we were ourselves.
I wish others appreciated the above.
I wish next day would be better than the previous.
I wish my pack of friends didn’t shrink so quickly.
I wish I would be able to help my own wishes come true.

So be it!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

not so bad

all right... I've started to fight for living! I went to the doctor and bought some medicines. I took few days off. I looked at myself in the mirror critically. I bought a new CD album. I borrowed some books. I tidied up my kingdom. I'm fighting to focus on important matters, not on this all shit that tried to murder my world. I'm looking for myself. Again. Ehhh... What's the life unless searching and missing?