Holi, holi, holi DAYS!!!!! (I looked for a "holi" word on the net and I found:
http://amreekandesi.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/holi.jpg :) I like that!)

Holidays – so many days of freedom and relaxation...
What to do, where to go, who to meet, what about to talk to, what to write, how long to stay, how much to spend? I don’t care! I can choose whatever I want if only I wish :)
A very nice feeling, indeed...
What I really dream about now is to breathe with fresh air, away from the city.
http://amreekandesi.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/holi.jpg :) I like that!)
Holidays – so many days of freedom and relaxation...
What to do, where to go, who to meet, what about to talk to, what to write, how long to stay, how much to spend? I don’t care! I can choose whatever I want if only I wish :)
A very nice feeling, indeed...
What I really dream about now is to breathe with fresh air, away from the city.
Just escape from the reality and forget…
A lot of green lands, water, birds, clouds, smell of wet soil, wind on a cheek… calmness and silence… nothing more to live now.