Sunday, June 13, 2004

so beautiful

we've got SPRING already! it's hot and sunny. it's bright.
wood - insects are everywhere. green and fresh.
street - people are everywhere. smiling, going out and smelling. unfortunatelly!
work - holiday is coming. closer and closer. around my chest. just a while and I'll be able to breath deeply. waiting impatiently.
love - hot and sunny, impatient, coming, closer and closer, around my chest, everywhere, smiling and smelling, breathing deeply, waiting, bright.
we've got LOVE already! it's beautiful. ever...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've got winter already.. I mean summer.
I feel that 'creating' is dying during the time we've got (free) time :) If you know what I mean. There's possibilty you won't understand becuase I have too much spare time so I don't think any more.. or rather I prefer not to think.. or maybe I do it not the way I should. Or whatever.
Waitng for something new and creative :)
Maybe about our Polish roads? (to hell) ;D
-Your student Iza :) (a moze nie powinnam sie przyznawac? :P)