Thursday, February 01, 2007

NY resolutions

As most of my collegues could discover, we woke up in the new year, older, hung over and rather doubtful about our future. However, everyone has been prescribed by some spirits (maybe exactly!) a very unique medicine for all the problems. We made a list of so called "resolutions", sticked them to the fridge and now our everyday life is verifying them, presented us in a rather poor condition about keeping the word.
- no one has kicked any habit
- no one studies more
- no one eats less
- no one takes regular training
- one becomes alcoholic
- no one works less
- everyone complains
- some stop thinking
- everyone has problems with sleeping
- one takes too many sleeping pills
- one becomes aware of violence and tries to keep a house safe
- one starts to go out to provoke situations
- one tells lies more often
- my dog gets bigger, stronger but more clever
- I don't write my blog regularly
- I write nothing regularly (diary, blog, articles, poems)
- no one takes care of NY resolutions
- and we are not happy with ourselves again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.