Tuesday, February 10, 2004


today I was wondering about the sens of authority. I come from very specific country that people are used to calling 'post-comunist' that is not exactly so, just such a simplification which unables some brains with opening...
in our schools 'authority' was rather serious matter. it based on power, strength and punishment. now such a situation cannot exist as we have something like 'democracy'. noone denies that this system is actually disable too (has hardly existed without slaves; now we can observe what it means in radical-capitalist's world) but it's better than anarchy, they suppose. it's not so obvious in our schools, especially, according to the sad fact of so many crime cases (connected with aggression, drugs, sex-play and no childhood any more) which are constantly happening there.
however, about authority... well, there is no legal authority at all. there is only a kind of myth left that is artificially sustained by old generation of teachers who used to play roles of authority once (have no idea what for!). they are not ready to understand the everyday battle without this magic word. and they have to.
I don't think it's good to leave children without the feeling that there is one who takes care of them. it's drastic - they feel alone and they must look after themselves what is ridiculous (and how it can be different!). they play adults and... find their own authorities based on power, strength, punishments... interesting!
what is our role? to become tutors and friends - some kind of leadership is our role, actually. we can't play roles from baby-tales because there is noone who believes in them any more! we can only give them our hand when they need it and try to lead them another path...

btw. I hated authorities at school and I was very close to become an anarchist - typical! maybe it can play in other direction - if there is nothing but chaos, they can feel tired of it and deserve some kind of order - with our little help, of course!

Friday, February 06, 2004

why not to write in the foreign language?

sometimes friends ask me why I write my blog in the foreign language. there is no special reason, indeed.
maybe - I try to exercise my english or to reshape my thoughts into not-polish form or to interpret my feelings from the point of view of the total stranger.
when you use a different language from your natural, you use absolutely another cultural code. therefore your thoughts are more open to different meanings, they become postmodern. one can say that such a situation is typical even for the natural language, even though someone has been brought up in a concrete environment, the other people can 'read' him or her different even from his or her intention.
each form of communication have got several meanings. we can watch the same tv programme and understand it in another ways, the same with books, articles, news, conversations etc.
although in the situation of using completely another code (another language), these meanings are constantly multiplying.
the very difficult piece of art - try to make people understand you as you wish. however, tricking can help you avoiding some misunderstanding. writing isn't anything else but cheating... often with your own personality...
multiplying, multiplying... guess who am I!